Biocare Medical 代理

Biocare Medical 代理

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上海金畔生物科技有限公司 BioCare Medical 专业代理,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765



世界*实验材料供应商 BioCare Medical  上海金畔生物为其中国代理, BioCare Medical  在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,  BioCare Medical  就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

 BioCare Medical 中国代理, BioCare Medical 上海代理, BioCare Medical 北京代理,BioCare Medical 广东代理, BioCare Medical  江苏代理BioCare Medical  湖北代理,BioCare Medical  天津,BioCare Medical  黑龙江代理,BioCare Medical  内蒙古代理,BioCare Medical  吉林代理,BioCare Medical 福建代理, BioCare Medical 江苏代理, BioCare Medical  浙江代理, BioCare Medical  四川代理,


Biocare Medical公司是世界*的全自动化免疫组化设备的*,并且拥有全套的免疫组化实验检测试剂。 Biocare公司是多重免疫组化检测技术的市场*,多重免疫组化检测技术提高了临床诊断检测的可信度,缩短了治疗时间。 Biocare公司的先进的micro-polymer™技术具有的特异性和敏感性。 PROMARK小鼠免疫组化检测试剂盒采用特色的技术的封闭剂和针对大鼠和小鼠的组织做了优化,几乎不产生免疫组化的染色背景。

Biocare Medical, LLC is an innovator in developing and supplying world class automated immunohistochemistry instrumentation, and the full range of reagents for IHC lab testing. Biocare is the market leader in simultaneous Multiplex IHC tests which provide increased confidence at critical diagnostic decision points, impacting patient therapy while accelerating turnaround time. Biocare’s advanced micro-polymer™ detection enables unsurpassed specificity and sensitivity. PROMARK™ and “mouse on mouse” IHC detection kits are optimized for rat and mouse tissues and feature proprietary blocking and retrieval reagents, resulting in virtually background free IHC staining.

The company’s customers include clinical histology laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, CROs, and biotechnology companies as well as academic, government, military, and other non-profit laboratories. Biocare Medical offers an expanding portfolio of integrated products to address the rapidly growing cancer and infectious disease diagnostic and research markets with novel tissue immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization methods. Biocare medical is headquartered and has manufacturing facilities in Concord, Calif., and has a global distribution network.


